
What We Do

Helping personal brands put into words what they do and what makes them the shinny supernova they are so that they can align their marketing strategies with their unique energy expression. Because if you can't express that, you'll have a hard time connecting with your audience or selling anything. We get it's not always easy to articulate what you do, because you know it so well or your client results are unique for each person. The great news is this is our zone of genius and we'd love to help you amplify yours.


You're a smart cookie with lots of experience. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level.

If you're a high-achiever I know asking for help might not come naturally to you because you love figuring things out for yourself and solving problems. But that doesn't mean you need to slow down your business growth. In fact, you can speed it up IF you stop trying to do everything on your own. Beauty is... one of my many superpowers is finding the fastest way to make something happen. If you're not familiar with Human Design, I'm a Manifesting Generator (aka time bender & master of cutting out unnecessary steps).  So if you want to fast track your results without working harder or longer hours...

HEre's how we can help:



Done-With-You strategy & planning sessions to help you gain clarity on your high potency offerings and messaging.


Done-For-You copywriting to help you outsource the writing portion of your launches or upcoming promotions.


Group coaching experience designed to help you align your marketing strategies with your unique energy expression so you can scale your offers with ease.



To the soulful coach or practitioner whose craft surpasses the quantifiable measures of success. Those who offer transformations that transcend the typical promises like make 10K months, lose 50 LBS, or double productivity. You, the alchemist of change whose work goes beyond the tangible...

Have you found yourself confined by the traditional norms of marketing and sales, and struggled to box your multifaceted work into one 'BIG' promise? Not to mention the "niching down" and "I help" statement exercises.

Yet, you look around at others mastering this, and it leaves you wondering what's wrong with you. Despite your clients expressing how you've changed their lives.


This invitation is for you.


Sign 1-3 highly aligned clients weekly...

10X your reach & audience growth with the *right* buyers...

Selling your offers effortlessly because your content is an energetic match to your dream clients & does 80% of the selling for you...

At risk of falling in love with marketing and sales 'cos you're doing it your way...

Clarity on your high potency offers, and what to say & how to say it so that it connects with your audience

Want me to write your copy for you...

If you're a shooting star flying across the business sky like it's your job (it is!) – but you're busy AF, looking to stay in your zone of genius & outsource your copy to get out of this world results...

I don't blame you (except I love working my wordsmithery magic on leading personal brands copy)!

If you're an established personal brand with sales under your belt and proven client results, but you know your words need a little pizzazz to scale...I'm your gal! I love working my wordsmithery magic for badass business owners wanting to reach more people with their life-changing work. If you like my vibe, let's chat!

Let's Chat


4x her last launch

"I'm feeling really blessed to have had your expertise, and gifts to the world during my launch. I made over $28k–huge thanks to you."

"I couldn't have done it without you. As of right now we have 106 women signed up!"


106 People have signed up

Need help mapping out your messaging & launch strategy...

If you're a badass personal brand that desires an expert set of eyes and brain to help you connect the dots to help you achieve epic results on your next launch or promotion.

One of my many superpowers as a Manifesting Generator is helping personal brands find the fastest route to executing marketing and sales strategies that produce ah-mazing results but don't leave you burned out!

Consider me your personal time bending wizard that naturally cuts out all the unnecessary steps to simplify your marketing and sales strategies. But also to offer massive clarity on what your next best steps are and how to connect those steps in an easy way.

Want to find the fastest and simplest way to 10X your results on your next launch or promotion?

Let's Chat


super clear roadmap

"I feel super clear on my messaging and upcoming launch. I've also attracted 60 women without paid ads."

"Kathryn helped me map out a simple soul-aligned messaging and launch strategy that resulted in the most engaged launch I've every hosted."


The most engaged launch ever

Wanna try it on your own first?


No worries I've got you covered! You'll find launch, marketing and sales resources including the exact copy templates I use for my business and my clients uber successful launches and promotions.

If you're on a budget or you don't want to wait to get access to my expertise, these resources are perfect. They will also help support new coaches and consultants that are just getting started. 

Let me save you loads of time and take the guess work out of what to say and how to say it that will help you build an audience of loyal fans and create demand for what you're selling.



It's never too late



your heart

or reignite your


What's your elevated edge?

Find out how to own your unique edge, amplify who you truly are (& get paid for it), take your business to cosmic proportions, and have fun doing it!

Curious? Take the Quiz

Let's find out...